HoRNet VHS 1.5.1 is available, this update is free for owners of our headphones correction plugin and includes:

  • Fixed audio being muted randomly on plugin load
  • Fixed Studio One deactivating the plugin
  • Added two new speakers emulation
  • Removed VST 2.4 support

Headphones correction for improved mixes


Introducing HoRNet VHS (virtual headphones system) – the ultimate audio plugin that delivers headphones correction for a better headphones mixing. Our software applies frequency correction and room simulation to headphones, resulting in accurate mixes that translate perfectly to any playback system. With over 280 headphone models in our database, you can be sure that you’re getting the most accurate headphones correction possible.

Headphones correction and room simulation

HoRNet VHS is the perfect tool for music producers, sound engineers, and musicians who want to achieve professional-quality mixes on headphones. Our advanced room simulation algorithms recreate the acoustics of a professional studio, complete with the sound of high-end speakers and the natural reverb of the room. This means that you can mix your music in an environment that simulates the sound of high-end monitors, without being constrained by a physical listening space. With the new version 1.3.0 you can now chose the speaker model to use in the virtual room including some cheap speakers (like the Echo Dot) so you can check our your mix translates on different speakers.

Headphones correction in your favourite DAW

Our plugin is compatible with most popular digital audio workstations, making it easy to integrate into your workflow. And with a user-friendly interface and simple controls, you don’t need to be an audio expert to get great results.

Upgrade your headphone mixing experience with HoRNet VHS today and take your mixes to the next level. Try it now and transform your headphone mixing experience into a professional studio experience, with the added convenience of being able to work anywhere.

VHS for profesional mixes on headphones

In summary, HoRNet VHS is the ultimate solution for anyone looking to achieve professional-quality mixes on headphones. Our headphones correction and room simulation technology ensures that your mixes will sound their best, no matter where they’re played. Try HoRNet VHS today and hear the difference for yourself!

Add to wish list


The demo is fully functional except for the fact that every now and then it will silence out, you cannot save parameter values with your session and the plugin will not respond to automation coming from the host.


  • Frequency response correction for more than 280 headphones models
  • Graphic display of correction EQ applied
  • Room simulation with physically modeled reflections
  • Frequency response of speakers changes depending on their position
  • Listener position adjustable in room simulation
  • Speakers position adjustable in room simulation
  • Simulation of different speakers in the virtual studio
  • Vector user interface which is sharp on every resolution
  • Support for light and dark mode on both windows and mac
  • Apple Silicon native support
  • macOS (10.13 and later) and Windows (Windows 10 and later) support.
  • 64-bit on Mac and Windows.
  • Audio Units, VST, VST3 and AAX format.

Copy protection

The HoRNet VHS has no copy protection, we don’t believe in copy protection, they are always cracked and they are annoying for the users, we all know you are not going to give away the plugin on the internet…

So simply download the plugin and enjoy your recordings!

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77 thoughts on “HoRNet VHS

Thomas Thiede says:

A great tool for mixing. I hope there will be an update with an curve for Yamaha HPH-MT8. But for panning with headphones my go to plugin!

luiscarvalho says:

I bought it without trying the demo and unfortunately My Shenneiser HD490 PRO isn’t in the available Headphones, Hope they can update the plugin as soon as possible, I’m just waiting for the update, please

Carmelo Morabito says:

I bought it without trying the demo and unfortunately My Shenneiser HD490 PRO isn’t in the available Headphones, Hope they can update the plugin as soon as possible, another suggestion is to specify in the plugin description page all the headphones model available with same drop down menu present in the plugin, this avoid customer to buy something useless or forcing to instal and uninstall a demo after. I’m just waiting for the update, please

gbcomposer says:

It is really good – this plugin. It shows how your songs will transfer on different sound systems. In my humble opinion – the secret to get your mix on a professional level is to glue it with a good compressor. Again, really good plugin.

Daniele says:

Molto soddisfatto di questo plugin che uso con le Superlux 681 Evo; come del resto della Hornet in generale, al momento ho 12 plugin, per il VHS che dire, fantastico. Vorrei usare il VHS anche con le cuffie che uso per fare podcast. Per favore, inserite in lista le Focusrite HP60? Nell’attesa ringrazio, e ancora complimenti per il gran lavoro che fate.

Daniele Romano says:

Molto soddisfatto di questo Plugin, come del resto della Hornet in generale, al momento ho 11 plugin, per il VHS che dire, fantastico, su 5 paio di cuffie, 4 sono in lista, peccato mi manchi l’equalizzazione delle OneOdio Monitor 80, 250 OHM, che le uso per lavorare sulle frequenze medio alte, quindi per favore, inserite in lista le OneOdio Monitor 80, 250 OHM ? Nell’attesa ringrazio, e ancora complimenti per il gran lavoro che fate, .

Pedro Galeano says:

When I go to activate the Headphone Correction or Speaker Simulation modes, I noticed that the stereo image turns a lot closed.

Even so, its my go-to mixing and mastering tool.

Elvis says:

This plugin needs a volume match function then perfect.

Jamie MacDonald says:

Crucial for headphone mixing! Extremely affordable and hangs in there with the big names in this sector.

uralb2 says:

This plugin is dope! Been using it for some weeks now with 4 different pairs of Superlux headphones (668 B, 660 Pro 150, 681 & 681 F) and IMHO the simulation/correction is more precise than Realphones, not to speak of the convenient small size of the plugin. Great tool!

PS: If possible, please add ADAM T5V Speakers. That'd be great! 🙂

Myles Wakeham says:

Big, big thanks for this. As an "old skool" mix engineer who was raised in big analog studios & tape machines, the choice of monitor speakers is critical and you get to love what your ears are used to. Moving to "in the box" mixing has been a challenge, but with VHS I've been able to simulate my mixes as if I was in the big room, and it really works for me. Seriously, for what this does, it is way too cheap.

anto says:

This is a great plugin, I use it all the time on my system audio also. Saverio responded to my request, and now both of my headphones are supported by this plugin. Thank you!

Caruso says:

Je l'utilise avec le nouveau DT 770 Pro X et le son résonne énormément autour des 3Khz avec le Plug-in.

Je ne suis pas sur de ce Plug-in

Lucio Polcino says:

Ero scettico, poi ho provato la demo, fortunatamente nella lista cuffie erano presenti quelle in mio possesso, i risultati sono stati molto convincenti.

Pavlo Derenevskyi says:

super 10/10

Marcel says:

Cool! Would be good be able to use it as an artistic eq, for it you should be able to move across presets really fast. Also if we can include car simulation or small speakers simulation would be amazing!

Claudio says:

Questo plugin ha migliorato notevolmente il mio workflow ed i risultati ottenuti…vi volevo chiedere di aggiungere le in ear KZ HBB PR2..Grazie per il Vs lavoro…

Keith Marriott says:

I like this plugin and it is useful to listen to the headphone adjusted version of the mix. However, unless it's a quirk of Cakewalk there doesn't seem to be a way to set a default headphone and room acoustic. Adding the option to set defaults would be really cool.

Claudio Strilio says:

I LOVE this plugin. It saved my AKG K701s from being thrown against the wall. But seriously, it does a great job of correcting these, and my less expensive CB1s. I am exploring the room simulation in mastering situations, and my two cents for improvement would be a true crossfeed feature. This would be the ultimate.

Alex says:

5/5 stars.

BUY IT, you won't regret it.

Thanks hornetplugins, my songs got 10x better after using VHS.

Harold Darwin Salazar says:

I use this plugin for my FX monitoring in REAPER. You can hear a certain difference in you headphones. I just wish that in the future update or upgrade. I hope that you will have a preset for Mackie Speakers, because I own one. It's still a 5 STAR rating for me..

S.H. says:

HoRNet VHS is is now on all my new projects. I'm not sure about room emulation, it doesn't sound "real" to me, but this plugin seems to tame bass on Audio-Technica ATH-M50x. And so my monitors and my headphones now sound very similar.

Any chance of getting DT 990 80 Ohm in the next releases? There's only 250 Ohm version in the list of the supported models.

mevzu music says:

You dont know how happy you make me with your plugins. I have 2 headphones and en IEM and i see t hat you added all of them. Thank you very much!
Much much respect to you!

Andrzej says:

Great plugin. I have been using it for several months and I can't imagine working without it already. Thank you so much for your hard work!

Yuddy says:

I tried it with an AKG 240 studio.
It is a very cost-effective plug-in! But the volume goes up after this plugin. I would like to see that improved in the update.

franklinitiel says:

Hi team, excellent product, I love it, you can add the audio technica ATH-AD700X on the list? I was happy using my ATH-M50X but it has been died I got the ATH-AD700X as present in my birthday, thank you a lot and have a great year!

dannyjlewis says:

Tried the demo and bought it! I've tried many similar solutions and something about this one just sits right for me. I had a track with a bassline that sounded great on big speakers but wasn't translating well on smaller. I put the track through the NS10 speaker simulation in VHS with my headphones on and worked on the bass sound so that it was more audible – ending up with the best of both worlds on the final mix down. Very useful in this context and hopefully the same ongoing.

hkageyu says:

Very good. But it would be perfect if it could be calibrated

Michele says:

È veramente un ottimo prodotto, complimenti. Ti chiedo se è possibile avere la correzione per Avantone MP-1 e Yinyoo KZ ZST?
Grazie mille e buon lavoro

Jerome Fauquet says:

I bought VHS because I saw the Superlux HD681 headphones were in the list… I put the plugin under test, and I was pleasantly surprised at the beginning… Then I noticed there was something wrong. So I started investigating to see if there was anything wrong on my side… That's where I stupidly remembered I don't have the Superlux "HD681", but the "HD681 EVO", which is the last version, and which I guess is even more mainstream than the "HD681" !
So please, please, PLEASE, Saverio, add the new HD681 "EVO" version to the list… I'll be very happy to add this plugin permanently to my main bus and hopefully to come back with a new 5 stars comment, as the plugin looks very promising !
For the moment, I leave 4 stars, while looking forward to seing the headphones list updated…
Congratulations, and keep up the good work !

Davide says:

Incredibile!!! Il migliore fra tutti quelli che ho provato… i lavori che faccio con questo plugin suonano bene ovunque e al primo colpo! Complimenti continua così

Isaiah says:

Works great with my Sennheiser hd 280 pros. Real big difference, so much clearer and more balanced. Thanks so much for this plugin!

Marco Weinfurth says:

I don't know why but the translation works waaaay better than with Sonarworks. With Sonarworks profile on beyerdynamics dt770pro 250ohm the profile was too much and made the sound so muffled. So as a result I mixed too harsh. And you pay 20x more with sonarworks haha xD

Combined with GhZ OpenCanStudio it's magic. Perfect Translation to my Adam Speakers and when listening to the export without headphone correction it sounds more balanced than before. Nice job!

Looking for more room profiles in the future!

Francesco Bruno says:

Ne ho provati di blasonati e costosi, ma questo è un' ECCELLENZA, e per lo più, tutta italiana. Plugin perfetto, testato e la differenza è tanta. Bel lavoro ragazzi!!!

Johannes Mazur says:

I had to come back to leave my 2nd review, and please read to the end:
I've been using VHS for months. Hence, I can confidently say I gave it a thorough test phase.
The result and conclusion:
VHS lives in my monitor FX chain, being permanently switched ON.
After all these months it feels like an integral part of my headphones.
I've been an audio engineer for 25 years. This is the first headphone correction tool that works for my brain. In the meantime – by getting used to the modified HP sound and increasingly trusting it – I can even create headphone-mixes that translate well on other systems without the need of using reference tracks. And 90% of the time I have just the headphone correction switched on, without the room.
In comparison, the competitors are like toys to me. They are doing great things but they just don't help me with my decisions. VHS does.

The key to better mixes with this tool is: switch it on and leave it! Really, forget it! This is not meant to be a quick mix check tool that you switch on and off. If you have a dedicated monitor FX chain like in REAPER, insert VHS and leave it on. Make that your default setting and trust it. Do not switch it off. If you do, your mix will sound wrong to you because you aren't used to the actual sound of your headphones anymore, but that's a good thing. If you really want to listen to your mix WITHOUT VHS out of curiosity, change the headphones before you push play. Use another brand, another type, whatever, but not the ones you used for mixing with VHS.
Trust me, after some weeks your mixes WILL improve!

jpvelozo says:


Lovis says:

Another thing that comes to mind: why not allow / implement changing the calibration by the user?

So this way, if you know your real deviation from the headphones brand calibration you have, you can apply that deviation based on the brand calibration.

For example, if you know from experience/tests with your headphones that they have further bias on the high end, then you would move the calibration eq on the high end further down to neutralize it.

Lovis says:

This is a great start in that area, what a clever combination of room simulation and headphone correction! Only one thing I'd like to suggest: How about introducing calibration of specific headphones as each headphone has a peculiar deviation from the brand? Then you would be on the same level as competition :-). Keep up the good work!

Pooka says:

Great price for this level of utility! Please add Sennheiser HD215 profile to the database. Cheap and cheerful headphones, but I'd be lost without them!

smanu says:

Awesome as always!
Only thing missing is an option for gain compensation …

Jac Lee says:

I love this plugin, though it causes my DAW to crash sometimes. When they are working smoothly, I can hear a beautiful difference.

Stefano Rossi says:

Bellissimo plugin, da un po' fisso sulla mia master buss chain. Rispetto ai competitor che ho potuto provare, è più semplice nell'uso e più "musicale" nell'ascolto. Perfettamente in linea col motto del brand, plugin che fanno il loro lavoro. Davvero consigliato

Tony says:

Plugin molto interessante ! ho provato la demo, io uso una cuffia Superlux 681B, che non è in lista, speriamo sia aggiunta, grazie !

emaileanto says:

I am on budget works, thank you for creating this plugin. Using this plugin for system wide audio in my OS also, not only for DAW. Currently using Superlux HD668B, and hoping one preset will be made for OneOdio Pro 50.

Markus says:

Great plugin! Using it with Superlux 668B. EQ curve and reflection, crosstalk between left and right is excellent. You don't have to spend a lot of money, this plugin does exactly what you want. Full 5 stars, fantastic work HoRNet!!!

Rob Thornton says:

Very nice…When the OLO S4 is added to the list I'll buy it!!

Felix S says:

Bought this plugin with the hope that the Beyer dynamic DT 770 pro 80 Ohm Model will be added within the next update 😊!

Alessandro Scanzo says:

Buon prodotto, semplice e funzionale.
Sarebbe bello avere anche la correzione delle Superlux HD-330 e delle AKG K141Studio

Clangiswan says:

Salve, ho usato tantissimi plugin simili senza ottenere mai la piena soddisfazione, HoRNet VHS è molto efficace e soprattutto leggero.
L'unica cosa che lo renderebbe perfetto sarebbe l'aggiunta della cuffia HifiMan He400i 2020 visto che attualmente sto usando la simulazione della He 4XX ma non è lo stesso.
Comunque complimenti!!!

Te Kape says:

Always skeptical about these plug ins that can come very close to snake oil, but comparing my DT 770s to my speakers, they were so near identical in sound. I am very pleased with VHS and highly recommend this great plug in.

Bruno says:

Very interesting plugin, please add also Superlux HD681B and Sennheiser HD206 ! Thank you.

Richard says:

Incredible usefull, now with DT880 250ohm studio standard hp´s, but as well for inexpensive Superlux headphones now your the best!


Erik says:

I've never bothered with headphone correctional plugins before, but I was very pleasantly surprised by VHS. I find myself leaving it on most of the time, even during recording, because my headphones sound a lot more neutral through it. Plus the room simulations gives the sound "context" (in lack of a better word).

gfdtr3435 says:

pls add dt770 pro 80 ohm..nice plugin!

Randuin says:

Hello, please add BT 990 Pro 250 Ohm.

Matthew Centonze says:

Great plugin! Add Ollo S4X headphones if possible

Gregory says:

Nice monitoring plugin, and very affordable. I have the ATH-M50x cans, and it dealt with the low end extremely well. It would be great, if we could dial in a measurement from the back wall to any speaker positions and listener placement. I'm just curious about the room treatment, was there 4 bass traps and ceiling cloud used for the profile?

Aaron Walker says:

Great, thank you! Next evolution: allow the plugin to import the IR/filter settings from REW into VHS to calibrate your speakers to compensate for your room. You'll sell a lot of units 🙂 Talk to REW first and form a partnership.

Olive Garnett says:

I am very satisfy with the plugins I get from, you guys..
Satisfy customer..Keep up the good work Thanks..
Oliver Garnett

TR says:

Very subtle room simulation I think, but that's maybe the intension. Great idea (and price), but please add the profile for Beyerdynamics DT 770 Pro 250 OHM.

Chris says:

This is the best headphone correction plugin I've tried, and the room simulation is top notch. Sometimes I totally forget that I am mixing on headphones. Great job Hornet

Erik says:

Would buy in a minute if it supported my Beyerdynamic DT 880's.

Mark says:

Absolutely awesome plugin esp for the price. THANK YOU for making affordable plugins.

Diego Coia says:

Ciao, plugin fantastico ma se posso dare un consiglio inserirei nell'elenco anche questi modelli, sono molto usati:

JTS – HP535, HP565

GRADO – SR60, SR 80, SR325


Rob Jones says:

The new version… 1.0.3. I notice that the stereo image is still like listening to headphones… the distance from the speakers adds a room reverb, but the stereo separation does not change based on the listening position. I would expect some summing in the central image… or reduction of the stereo image with listening position. There is another thing that I've noticed with 1.0.2 and 1.0.3… because there is a small degree of summing of the L and R channels the volume increase overloads my output channel. If I input a signal with TP -1.0db the plugin overloads my output bus (triggers an overload detection). For now I've had to put another plugin after VHS in order to counteract this… It would be good if the output has the ability to automatically (or manually) level match (attenuate the output) depending on the settings, to make it output at the same level as the input volume.

Alfred Grupstra says:

This plugin really does the trick. My mixes are clearer on every system since I mix with VHS on the master bus. And what's more, it's the first plugin that support my headphone!
In the first version there was a problem but the support is great and the problem is solved now. Thanks Maso for your great work!
And don't forget the price, compare it with others and you walk with a smile forever!

ozkanozmen says:

This is what I had been waiting for! I had founded the other correction plugins to be ultra over priced. This Plug in deserves every penny.

Vince says:

I like the sound of the room simulation. very subtle and natural. It doesn't support my headphone though so I can't really use it and have to rely on other products. Please add the profile for the Beyerdynamics 1990 Pro (balanced). Best. Vince

dee-t says:

What else can I say… another fantastic plugin, I much needed! I have the KRK-6400 headphones.

Thankyou Sergio and team.

Johannes says:

I was using the control room simulations of another major brand – guess you all know which brand I'm talking about. I got CLA's room. Worked fine but I had one big issue with it: It sounded a bit too boomy and dialling back the ambience didn't help. But I liked the frequency response correction for my headphones because without they sounded too nasal in comparison.
This is where HoRNet's VHS comes in handy. It also gives me only the headphone correction if I want that, and it reliably cuts out all those nasal mids. Fantastic! If I need reflection and crosstalk between left and right I CAN switch on the unintrusive room simulation.
Pulling back the mids of the mix because they annoy me in my headphones just to find out they are missing when checking the mix in my car should be a thing of the past now. Thank you Saverio!
PS: Will there be additional speaker simulations some day? And an adjustable distance between the speakers?

Darius says:

I have 2 headphones on the list (AKG702 and the Focal Listen Professional)
and after trying the demo I bought it in less than 5 minutes! The nicest improvement was with the Focals. Even after a good 20hour burn in, the mid nasally bump was still harsh on my ears and I was so close to boxing them up and selling them…. But now thanks to VHS they are very much in use again!
The AKGs get a bit of a low end boost and the 'air' taken out of them and I'm not sure if I prefer them flat as a listener (but that's the point isn't it?) But when mixing, it's amazing how close these very different headphones sound with this great value plugin!
Thanks Hornet!

ezequielv says:

Excelente complemento y asequible sobre todo. Mi modelo de auriculares se encontraban entre los propuestos.

Luke says:

Fantastic alternative to other more expensive plugins. It would be nice to have "Grado" brand headphones as well

Jeremy says:

Great plugin! Nice to see an affordable competitor to the big boys. Luckily, you have my two brands (ATH-M50x & MDR7506), and it deals with the low end bumps nicely. I would prefer it if there was some auto-gain compensation; the profiles tend to lower the gain by 6-8dB, making A/B-ing difficult.

Jake says:

Very interesting plugin, though it doesn't support my specific headphone model. It would be awesome if there were a way to use a measurement mic to add custom headphone profiles. Fantastic idea though, and I might consider buying a pair of headphones from the supported list in the future to take full advantage of this plugin.

Leeon says:

I bought this straight away without trying the demo. The concept is great but it doesn't cater for my studio headphones BD 770 PRO 80 OHM. This is something potential buyers should be mindful of

A M says:

Ciao, plugin SUPER!
Puoi aggiungere il brand SuperLux alle cuffie? Sono abbastanza diffuse. Grazie.

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