hornet sybilla pro

We have updated HoRNet Sybilla Pro to v1.1.3.

Sybilla Pro is a multi-filter de-esser plugin. Unlike traditional de-essers, Sybilla Pro uses eight tunable filters to accurately detect sibilance and feed it to the compressor, which then reduces it.

Sybilla Pro operates as a wideband de-esser. The combined output of active filters that cross the threshold drives the compressor. This allows the plugin to track sibilance across different frequencies and consistently catch it, even if the frequency shifts.

One unique feature of this plugin is its dynamic threshold. Instead of relying on a fixed threshold, the plugin compares the sum of the filter outputs to the unfiltered signal. This difference drives the compressor, ensuring more precise de-essing.

As a result, Sybilla Pro de-esses even in softer passages. Traditional de-essers with fixed thresholds only work when the signal exceeds the set threshold.

The heart of the plugin is the filter bank. You can adjust each filter’s frequency and level individually. Each filter has a fixed bandwidth of 1kHz. For more detailed control, you can listen to the filter bank’s output or isolate individual filters using the key listen buttons. You can also turn each filter on or off. When you disable a filter, it no longer affects the compressor sidechain.

Sybilla Pro provides two compression modes: VCA and OPTO. The VCA mode acts faster and uses a hard knee, while the OPTO mode works more slowly with a soft knee. You can adjust the attack and release settings for both modes.

The update is a maintenance release that includes:

The update is free for current owners of the plugin and can be downloaded from the user area

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