HoRNet Sleek Update: Stability and UI Enhancements for a Smoother Workflow

At HoRNet, we are committed to constantly improving the user experience with our plugins, ensuring that they perform flawlessly across all systems and setups. That’s why we are excited to announce a significant update for HoRNet Sleek, packed with stability improvements and critical UI fixes. This update addresses several key issues that have been reported by our users, especially on Windows systems and with Cubase, and improves the overall usability of the plugin.

Below is an overview of the main fixes and improvements included in the latest version of HoRNet Sleek.

1. Crash Fixes on Windows When Changing UI Themes

One of the more frustrating issues experienced by some users was the plugin crashing when switching between light and dark mode on Windows. We’ve identified and resolved the root cause of this crash, ensuring that changing themes is now a smooth process. Whether you prefer the sleek look of dark mode or the brightness of light mode, you can now switch between these without worrying about stability issues.

2. UI Loading Fix

Another issue that has been addressed in this update is the occasional failure of the UI to load properly. Some users reported instances where the plugin’s interface would not display at all, leaving only a blank space. We’ve worked hard to ensure this problem is resolved so that the interface loads correctly every time, providing you with a seamless experience from the moment you open the plugin.

3. Random Crashes in Cubase

HoRNet Sleek users who work in Cubase encountered random crashes during their sessions, leading to lost work and interrupted creative flow. We take compatibility with all major DAWs seriously, and this issue has been thoroughly investigated and fixed. Sleek now runs smoothly in Cubase, allowing you to focus on your music production without worrying about unexpected interruptions.

4. EQ Control Points Fixed

One of the more subtle but crucial improvements in this update is the fix for EQ control points suddenly jumping around the interface. Previously, users reported that when adjusting EQ parameters, the control points would unexpectedly shift, making precise adjustments difficult. This behavior has been corrected, allowing for more accurate and reliable EQ adjustments.

5. Improved Resizing Behavior on Windows

Another important fix in this update addresses the wrong resizing behavior on Windows. Previously, the plugin window would sometimes resize incorrectly, either becoming too large or not adjusting properly to fit within the screen. With this update, resizing is now fully functional and behaves as expected, giving users a more streamlined experience when working with Sleek on Windows.

6. Spacebar Focus Issue on Windows Resolved

Finally, we’ve addressed an issue where the plugin was stealing spacebar focus on Windows systems. This was especially problematic for users who rely on the spacebar for starting and stopping playback in their DAWs. With this fix, the plugin no longer interferes with your DAW’s key commands, allowing you to work without interruption.

Update Now for a Better Experience

These fixes are just the latest in our ongoing commitment to making HoRNet Sleek the best tool it can be. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a hobbyist, we believe that stability and ease of use are essential to creativity, and this update is all about delivering those improvements.

If you’re an existing user of HoRNet Sleek, simply download the update from your My Account page or use our HoRNet DoIn tool to streamline the process. For new users, there’s never been a better time to try Sleek – now more stable and user-friendly than ever before.

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements, and as always, we’re here to support you on your music production journey. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact our support team.


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