We have just updated Harmonics Pro the advanced exciter and saturator, to version 1.0.1

HoRNet Harmonics Pro functions as an audio exciter, adding overtones or harmonics to the input signal. Users can introduce up to 10 different harmonics and control their level and phase relationship to achieve the desired sound. The plugin’s core comprises an exciter, saturation, and clipper processor, enhancing sound with warmth, richness, and fullness

Beyond its core audio exciter, the plugin includes pre-emphasis and de-emphasis filters, a soft clipper, and a hysteresis module. Specifically, the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis filters allow users to apply equalization before and after the harmonic exciter and clipper processing, offering significant flexibility in sound shaping.

Additionally, the hysteresis simulation introduces a “memory” effect to the saturator, mimicking the sound of tubes, transformers, and magnetic tape.

HoRNet Harmonics Pro also provides input and output knobs with a link option, enabling easy level adjustments for the desired sound. The master fader allows users to increase or decrease harmonic levels, creating different overtones between the audio exciter and clipper.

To maintain top-notch quality, the plugin features intelligent oversampling, automatically adjusting based on the sample rate to ensure uncompromised audio quality.

Furthermore, the user interface of HoRNet Harmonics Pro is vectorial, hardware-accelerated, and fully resizable, fitting any monitor or screen size. Supporting OpenGL and Metal, it delivers a fast, responsive user experience. Whether you’re a music producer, audio engineer, or sound designer, HoRNet Harmonics Pro is the ultimate tool for enhancing audio recordings and infusing them with depth, character, and excitement.

This release includes:

  • Fixed crash with Pro Tools on windows
  • Fixed crackling noise when moving harmonics sliders

The update is free for owners of the plugin and can be downloaded using HoRNet DoIn or from the “my account” page

HoRNet Harmonics Pro

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